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Awe & Rue aims to provide listeners with an unparalleled experience, delivering tracks meticulously crafted to offer pure enjoyment. With every sound meticulously designed for each composition, fans can expect a journey into sonic realms of the highest quality.

Over the past year, Awe & Rue’s growth as an artist has been nothing short of remarkable. Having achieved incredible viewership and play statistics without commercial exposure, they underscore the fundamental importance of the music itself.

Listen to the new release Pro Envy Deafth Mix here: https://moneyiskidv.bandcamp.com/album/pro-envy-deafth-mix

How would you classify your music? Techno, Hardcore Techno
Who are some of your top 5 musical influences? Techno, Hardcore Techno
What do you want fans to take from your music? the experience, a good time, something for their life, the enjoyment of listening to tracks with every sound made for that track and part at the highest quality
What is the best concert you have been to? What do you like most about playing live? As a mixr and producer I don’t think its so about performing live yourself just like tv is for videos this is a track and it’s to be listened to but I have performed live many times and it’s just part of music and the whole process of becoming who you are and for me it’s always been strongly involved with mixr and producer
Is there a song on your latest CD release here that stands out as your personal favorite, and why? I think all of them have a decent element and quality range to them at the highest level
How have you evolved as an artist over the last year? Yes definitely, I’ve achieved thousands to millions of views plays statistics using no commercial no exposure or no promotion over the last ten years so all my tracks get played and that’s the most important part of being a producer
If you could meet, play a gig, co-write a song, have dinner, have a drink with any band or artist (dead or alive) who would it be? I like techno sets and hardcore techno sets old and new, 90s to 20s
What’s next for you? Big tracks in my new self built studio with absolutely everything I need so i expect more new sounds and plenty of tracks throughout the year




By: Hammarica.com EDM News
Sourced From: www.hammarica.com/interview-with-hardcore-techno-producer-awe-rue/
Published Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 01:29:55 +0000

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