First things first, start earning those airline miles by paying your bills with a credit card that offers rewards points. Why not earn points while paying off your bills? It’s a win-win! We recommend credit cards like the Chase Sapphire Preferred, American Express Platinum, and Capital One Venture.
Once you’ve got your credit card game on lock, it’s time to take advantage of airline rewards programs. Stick to one or two programs, find the right credit card, and do your best to earn Elite status by meeting credit card spend and flight requirements. Keep an eye out for bonus mile opportunities, use airline and credit card shopping portals, and redeem your rewards wisely.
But wait, there’s more! Keep an eye out for airline promotions through newsletters, social media, airline websites, travel websites, credit card offers, and third-party loyalty programs like Rocketmiles and You never know what kind of bonus miles or discounts you might find!